Reiki Level I, the place to start your spiritual journey by become attuned to Usui Tibetan Reiki. Learn about the history of Reiki, and the power behind the symbols. Tap into this ancient wisdom and learn how to heal yourself and others in your life, people and animals alike. If you want to enhance your natural intuitive abilities and know that you can do more to heal our world then this class is for you. Tired of feeling pain, anxiety and stress? Come learn a few techniques to ease your life. Instruction, Guided Meditation & Visualization and Hands on Learning. No prerequisites. Healing Attunement, Certificate & Manual included.
Monday, December 8th, 2014, Fort Collins, CO Energy exchange = $200.
Contact me for details or sign up through the registration page on the right.
History, Techniques, Benefits & Beginner’s How-to