work with Corinna Kromer
work with Corinna Kromer

Free eBook ~ 10 Easy Ways to Shift Your Life

Imagine waking up every morning feeling amazing, with the freedom to live life on your own terms.

Picture yourself taking your time to sip your morning drink, look out the window and leisurely begin your day.

Envision being able to experience boundless energy, free from the weight of any daily requests or past limitations.

Visualize having enough time to nourish yourself, your family and your relationships.

Sound Good? You’re Ready for Deep Personal Growth!

Let’s embrace enlightened leadership through resolution of chronic overwhelm & unrecognized trauma. Alas, today’s society has us running from morning till night, pushing self-care to the side lines, and instead focusing on productivity, joyless living and mindless stressful thinking.

Every woman I’ve worked with has encountered some form of adverse experience or trauma, often without fully realizing the profound negative impact it has had in their lives. Before you dismiss this, and say “that’s not me”, read on for the tell tell symptoms.

Research shows that a significant number of women experience at least one traumatic event in their lifetime. Markedly, these events often go unnoticed and are filed away in the brain as “normal” while eventually they manifest as extreme business successes, chronic health symptoms or a perceived lack of inner or outer success.

Trauma Takes Many Forms…

  • Lack of care or love during childhood
  • The idea that “girls don’t go to college”
  • The notion that girls are “not to be seen or heard”
  • Being told to stand on the sidelines
  • Challenging and abusive relationships

This trauma leads to chronic stress, which then causes physical and emotional breakdowns…

  • chronic fatigue
  • foggy brain
  • tense and achy muscles
  • headaches
  • anxiety
  • lack of joy
  • shortness of breath
  • autoimmune diseases
  • digestive problems
  • and more…

Empowerment & Trauma Coach
Energy Medicine Professional & Wellness Educator

How I Can Help

As a woman executive and fellow business leader, I understand the impact that past experiences and limited thinking can have on our journey. They stifle us. On top of being a business woman, I am a wife, a mom, a caretaker, an avid gardener, a chef, an author, a volunteer and my own cheerleader. You can relate I am sure.

With decades of personal exploration and experience and with a renewed sense of joy and vigor, I am equipped with a repertoire of transformational tools that helped me get where I am today. In a happy, fulfilled and vibrant life that makes me feel excited to start each new day!

My mission is to empower YOU, especially women executives, to fully step into your authentic, empowered self, find harmony in all aspects of life, and cultivate unwavering resiliency. I am deeply passionate about working with women who are ready to bring change to the world.

I am eager to share with you the tools and strategies that will help you successfully navigate life’s challenges, ignite more dreams, and create the life you have always desired.

Browse my offerings below and feel free to contact me with any questions.

Work with Corinna Kromer

Corinna guides women in the professional sector towards a life of balance, fulfillment, and success.


My unique Trauma Centered / Lifestyle coaching system is a transformative pathway that guides you on a radiant journey towards a thriving and balanced life. It transcends being a mere method – it becomes a daily practice that empowers you to understand the profound impact of your emotions on your daily actions, harmonize your inner body to experience boundless energy and vibrancy, clear your mind to focus on what truly matters, and reignite your passion for life.

Awaken Your True Potential is my signature coaching course and together, we’ll rewrite your subconscious programming, empowering you to create a life that truly serves you. Imagine the joy and gratitude you’ll experience from yourself, your family, and your friends as you journey through this shift. Transformation does not have to take decades.
work with Corinna Kromer

Online Courses

Root to Rise: Unlocking the Power of Grounding

Whether you’re a beginner or looking to deepen your practice, this course offers valuable insights and techniques. Everyone can benefit from the practice of Grounding! Clients and research have reported it helps them with Chronic fatigue, Chronic pain, Anxiety and Depression, Sleep disorders, and Cardiovascular disease. That’s because our bodies are meant to be connected with the earth and have ways to discharge and re-charge.

work with Corinna Kromer

Energy Medicine

Discover how you can find calm, harmony, balance and well-being in your life in less than an hour. Most physical imbalances have their root in mental / emotional dis-regulation. Energy Medicine works on a holistic level, addressing physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues at the same time.

Once you experience how good you can feel after a session, you will wonder how you did without it for so long! Energy Medicine sessions can stand alone or be used in conjunction with coaching and ETC/NLP protocols. The combination is powerful and helps you move through life’s challenges efficiently and permanently. Primarily focused on Healing Touch, Reiki and Craniosacral protocols.

work with Corinna Kromer

NLP / Lucid Hypnosis

While we often have a plan in life, our old and outdated subconscious programming can stop us from achieving our desires. With Neurolinguistic Programming we can access old and ineffective beliefs and practices and positively re-program our broken scenarios.

NLP practices are fast and effective, sometimes only requiring a couple of sessions to bring change. For more efficient and deeper experiences we use a combination of NLP and ETC (Elevator to Consciousness). ETC, is my very own protocol of what I call Lucid Hypnosis that brings about clarity and direction. ETC helps you understand what might be holding you back, accept it, address it and bring healing. After an ETC session clients have reported understanding the root of their issue, and knowing what steps to take next. They find themselves feeling lighter, more joyful and have an added sense of purpose in life.

Classes & Events

Opportunities to connect in a group setting can help you learn ways to navigate life successfully and live in harmony with the world around you. Throughout the year you can engage in many different events, classes and fun happenings.

I offer transformation classes on different topics such as HeartMath Trauma Coaching, Principles of Energy Medicine, Reiki, Healing Touch, Essential Self Care, Meditation, Remote Healing Sessions, Group Freedom Coaching, Creating a Vision Board, and Mediterranean Cooking & Wellness. Yes, you read right; a good clean diet can help you on the road to recovery and you will feel better and healthier. In the summer time, we offer community cooking classes and outdoor eating experiences.

Life Changing – Finally moving through blockages.

My experience with Corinna Kromer was life changing. After years of holding onto some very negative energy around one of my family members I am now able to approach the situation with love and light. Corinna’s powerful healing technique physically removed the negative energy stored in my shoulder and opened my heart to new possibilities. I am truly grateful for her gift.

Kellie Falbo, Fort Collins, CO
Coaching & Energy Medicine client

Grab my Free eBook

10 Easy Ways to Shift Your Life
Notes on Daily Practices and Powerful Freeing Habits that lead to A sense of Self-Worth and Empowerment.

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