Registration Form

Reiki Level ____

Please print out and mail in with your deposit.

Workshop Information

Date: ____________________________ Time: ____________________

Location: AKCR, 110 West Harvard Str., Ste 2, Fort Collins, CO

Instructor: Corinna Kromer, CRM/T, HTCP,   (970) 310-9444

Name: _________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________

City: _____________________________     State: ______   Zip: _____________

Home Phone: _____________________ Work Phone: _____________________

E-Mail: ________________________________________________________
Please circle one of the following:      
                                     Reiki I           Reiki II          Reiki III       _ Reiki IV

r Regular Tuition         $200             $250             $300              $350
r Student or Repeat    $150             $200              $250             $300
(w/ copy of schedule)

Note: Price of Course Manual and Attunement is included

$_______________ Total Amount Enclosed

Minimum deposit of $50.00 required upon registration.          Call 970 310-9444 for creative financing help.

Can you bring a massage table? r Yes rNo

Register Early!
Enrollment open to 9 students!

Make checks payable to: Corinna Kromer

Send to:
Corinna Kromer CRM/T, HTCP
110 West Harvard St., Ste2,
Fort Collins, CO 80525