
Ten Steps to becoming an author

Ten Steps to becoming an author

Have you ever thought about writing a book?        It started two years ago. The thought of putting my ideas and knowledge into a book so I can share my bit of Wellness Wisdom with the world. And it is still in progress. Funny how I...

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Summer Travel Hacks – Tools for Stress Free Travel!

Summer Travel Hacks – Tools for Stress Free Travel!

Travel does not have to be stressful.Read on for 6 easy ways to avoid disaster.  Here we are in the summer months once again, the sun high in the sky, the temperatures rising and as we feel the heat of the season warm our bodies we can’t help but wish for...

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Is Lemon Water good for you?

Is Lemon Water good for you?

Is Lemon Water good for you?Chances are we have talked about lemon water in a session or two. Or while out at lunch as I love to add lemon to my water even when I go out to eat. Lemon water is very simple to make and is so very good for your body. At least that is my...

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Coloring Easter Egg Fun! – DIY

The Easter Egg  Easter eggs are specially decorated eggs given out to celebrate the Easter holiday or springtime. It is the influence of the traditional spring rites that made Easter so egg-special. And myths coming down to us from an incredibly distant past have...

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DIY – Chocolate Mint Lip Gloss

Do It Yourself Recipes   If you are finding yourself with dry lips this time of the year, this is a great recipe for keeping them moist and plum and it smells and tastes great!   Chocolate Mint Lip Gloss Prep Time: 5 minutes active; 30-60 mins to...

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DIY – Healing Boo Boo salve

This is a great salve to always have in hand; you never know when you might need to use it, especially if you have small children. So I make large batches, as it lasts a long time and keep it available in a couple of places around the house.It is easy to make but be...

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H a p p y    H o l i d a y s   to all. Wishing you a magical holiday season filled with joy and laughter, friendship, companionship, love and care! My Gift to you: *Free 60 min. Session when you buy two 90 min. sessions at regular price. Click...

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Ahh… the Martyrdom!

November Newsletterclick link above for entire newsletter. Be Joyful with your "giving" time.Oh yes, the martyrdom!Well I was just sitting here minding my own business and this little idea popped in my head. I started thinking about all the things we do in life; the...

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The importance of Color in our lives.

Does color affect our mood and our body?As a kid I was always into painting and coloring, making collages and using color in every way possible in order to express myself. As an artist and an interior designer (part of my past explorations of life), I was also exposed...

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