
Managing your Stress

Recently I came across an article from Deepak Chopra that talked about the importance of Meditation and Mindful Awareness. Since his point of view was so in line with what I believe, I wanted to share with you in just a few words the seven important ways with which he...

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Are you READY for LIFE?

Write something... By Inspired Health Energy Medicine - Corinna Kromer CRMT HTCP Welcome to a New Year of possibilities and Joy! Starting with a blank canvas this is your chance to create from scratch. Have you taken a moment yet to let your passion show you what...

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REIKI SHARE – Free* Event

October 23rd, 20136:30pm - 8:30pm   * Guided Meditation* Relaxing Mini Sessions* PracticewithCorinna Kromer CRM/T, HTCPandSarah Fredrickson CRM/T, CMTReiki Share events are offered throughout the year to facilitate practice and experience for our Reiki class...

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How to Create a Crystal Grid for Luck

Creating a Crystal Grid for LuckFrom OM TIMES Magazine, July 29, 2011 by Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.AcA ‘Grid’ is a way to arrange the stones in a sacred geometric pattern. They are then consciously ‘activated’ by connecting a ‘line of Light’ between the stones so that...

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A Version of Hatsurei Ho by James Deacon

Copy rightedAn interesting explanation of the practice of benefit to many Reiki practitioners.For more info visit HATSUREI HO Copyright © 2003 James Deacon [Modified, Mar. 23, 2007] Hatsu = Invoke/Generate, Rei = Spirit, Ho =...

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Moroccan veggie dish

In the presence of abundance of squash and like vegetables at this time of the year, I thought I'd dig out this recipe which is delicious. If you love ethnic foods and unusual spices this one's for you! Corinna’s Moroccan Vegetarian Dish4 tbsp olive...

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Beginning Meditation

Techniques, Benefits & Beginner’s How-toMeditation is simply a way to train the mind to relax and to learn to have control over the thoughts that wonder through the mind and any external stimuli.Like any other practice, one will start meditating for short periods...

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