Recently I came across an article from Deepak Chopra that talked about the importance of Meditation and Mindful Awareness. Since his point of view was so in line with what I believe, I wanted to share with you in just a few words the seven important ways with which he...
Write something… By Inspired Health Energy Medicine – Corinna Kromer CRMT HTCP Welcome to a New Year of possibilities and Joy! Starting with a blank canvas this is your chance to create from scratch. Have you taken a moment yet to let your passion...
Energy medicine is fabulous for re-establishing the flow in the body’s meridians. If you have problems with your teeth, we may be able to pipoint the source of your problem, help re-establish flow and allow the body to come back to it’s natural healthy...
October 23rd, 20136:30pm – 8:30pm * Guided Meditation* Relaxing Mini Sessions* PracticewithCorinna Kromer CRM/T, HTCPandSarah Fredrickson CRM/T, CMTReiki Share events are offered throughout the year to facilitate practice and experience for our Reiki...