A New Era is here!
Have you noticed time is moving faster and you might be hurrying here and there but don’t seem to be able to catch up?
Are you interested in transforming your life and reclaiming joy?
Relieving pain and stress and moving forward?
Having time to take a breath and enjoy life’s simple pleasures?
Then come experience an Energy Medicine sessionfor complete relaxation and relief of painful and stressful symptoms. Let’s get to the root of your issues by helping your body, mind and spirit relax and reset.
Sessions may include Reiki, Healing Touch, Reconnection, color therapy, aromatherapy/reflexology, Aura Soma products and crystals. Raindrop Technique for detoxing and strengthening your immune system is also offered.
All dis-eases benefit from these sessions and help you reclaim your health and joy in life. From headaches to chronic issues or severe body challenges.
Or come in for Spiritual Life Coaching to reclaim joy and guidance in your life and re-discover your gifts in life.
Classes offered: Reiki, Meditation, Energy work, Chakra Balancing and Raindrop Technique, for all levels.
Do you need practice/have questions? – offering FREE Reiki share for practitioners once a month.
Gifts: Chakra pillows (take the magic home), Lavender Eye pillows, Glass and Crystal Pendulums, Room spritzers, and AuraSoma products available for purchase.
Contact me through my website and let’s get you enjoying life again!