MEDITATION: Before you begin reading this article I invite you to close your eyes, take a couple of deep breaths, and begin with a short meditation. You may either read this meditation and do it in your own time, or you may listen to the audio file above.
We will be noticing the activity between our right and left sides. First take a breath and focus onto your left brain hemisphere. Simply noticing. Then with the next breath tap into your right brain hemisphere. Then do the same with the right and left sides of your body. Take a breath and feel one side, then the other. Do you feel any differences? Any likenesses? What comes to mind. Do you get any messages? No judgement – just notice. Then take one more full breath, and bring the two together simply with intention. Feel your breath flowing freely and circulating through the right and left sides of your mind and body. Putting the same amount of attention to both. Just breathing, easily and relaxed. Tap into your entire body and see how it feels. By breathing consciously into both sides you are allowing your male and female energies to balance themselves even if it is not down the middle. Where you are ready slowly open your eyes and come back to the present moment.
Have you ever noticed we live in a world of spirals? We are part of a galaxy that gyrates in the form of a spiral. Spirals are found all around nature – in flowers, pine cones, deer antlers, seashells. Our bodies are build according to the golden mean which ultimate represents a spiral. We receive and perceive sounds from our environment through a spiral in our ear – the cochlea. And the sacred geometry symbol that we call the flower of life generates a giant spiral. Just look around you – can you notice where spirals are hiding?
Here’s something really neat – if you hold up your hand, flat in front of you and then start forming a fist by slowly folding in your fingers you will notice that starting with your little finger a spiral is formed. Just like those spiraling shells in the ocean. Spirals are all over our body.
All these spirals are created around a mathematical sequence called the Golden Mean or the phi ratio, which follows the Fibonacci sequence. If you are into math you surely have heard about the Fibonacci sequence, but this would be for another discussion. The point is, this sequence seems to dictate our life and our surroundings.
Within those spirals lie two creative energies, what we characterize as male & female energies. And that is not referring to gender. It is referring to the types of energies that flow through our world but also through our system and our chakras. Think of the yin and the yang.
Male energy when balanced, is directed and focused, linear & strategic; it is logical, it get things done. When out of balance though it can become confrontational, angry and shortsighted.
Female energy when balanced, is creative, random, expressive, unstructured and more circular and organic in form. When unbalanced however, it can become chaotic and out of control, messy and confused.
We typically refer to our left side of the body as the female side. The side that is more sensitive, more emotional and carries the “female energy” organs as directed by eastern medicine. The right side of our body is typically associated with the male energy and our “male” physical organs. It is our strong side, where our will resides and is the side that “takes over” when things get tough and we need to move forward in life and make some decisions.
Our brains are separated into two hemispheres, the left & right. In this case the left hemisphere is the one with the male aspects: It is the analytical, practical mathematician. Always in control and always orderly and realistic. Looking at each part separately and figuring out the best way to make things work. The right brain hemisphere is the female side. It is the emotional, creative part of us that looks at things as a whole, gets spurts of imagination, is artistic and flowy. It is all about colors, movement and what feels good. You might have guessed by now that the right hemisphere of the brain controls the left side of the body and the left hemisphere of the brain controls the right side. The reason for this is extensive but It seems it has to do a lot with visual stimulation and balance. But that is a whole other topic.
We all carry both energies in different amounts, no matter if we are male or female in gender. We may be female and carry more male energy or vice versa. We are born with a certain amount of each one and we usually carry on through life with the same ratio. It is not very common to find someone with exactly the same amount of each; usually female or male energy prevails and it is often obvious in the looks and mannerism of the person. About 90% of people are left brain dominant according to statistics. In the big picture however, the energy that is present in a person denotes whether the soul is more gentle and emotional or goal oriented and logical. Do you know anyone who is a workaholic? That would be a good indication of male energy in them. Got to get things done no matter what it entails!
Our entire world and universe is also comprised of both male and female energies and there is a constant fluctuation of such around us creating a natural balance. The universe is constantly creating and un-creating. Perpetually looking for balance as it creates within the realm of male and female energies.
The following charts give a few comparisons of these energies in our world as perceived by the Eastern philosophies. Every element of our life, every aspect of it is divided into the yin and the yang – female & male energies and their equivalent.
Here is a representation of Yin & Yang energies as a quick visual
So the next time you look around you, notice the seen and unseen world, become aware of your own shifts as you navigate life and engage in relationships with people, animals and nature, take a moment to tap in and feel the difference in the energies that flow within and all around you. Mindfulness helps us come back to center, feel balance and exist in this world in a peaceful manner.
Corinna ♥
The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life – Drunval Mechizedek